Thank you for your post Jessica. It was really insightful to see the domain debate from your perspective, and I wish you all the best in every exciting venture you invest in.
However, I am opposed to the notion of building a personal vault of domains that are never used. As if by renewing a subscription maintains ownership over an idea. It is much easier to have an idea than to act on one.
It is amazing that we have the ability to place a stake in the ground and take ownership over a piece of the internet. As you say, a domain is an empowering step in building an idea into something real. But it should not be the first step.
A name is powerful, but ultimately worthless if not supporting a mission. Continuing to subscribe to 100+ domains whose missions have long fallen by the wayside, I believe, is an abuse of this open system, and inhibits others exploring their own ideas.
This is why we should be more diligent in reflecting on our personal journey, and discarding old ideas for new ones. (If you currently leave your domains to expire when they have run their course – good on you! I am more referencing those who keep domains regardless of intent to use them.)
It is when people treat domains as a resource in themselves that you limit the aspirations of other passionate creatives.
Otherwise, thanks for the post! Really inspired me to think more deeply about this issue.