Book Review: Bad Science

Ben Goldacre

Adam Blades
2 min readJan 24, 2017

I entered Bad Science chuckling at Goldacre’s deconstruction of yesterday’s alternative medicine myths, like detox footpaths, ear candles and brain gym exercises. I exited the book horrified at the extent to which misinformation, scaremongering and overgeneralisation has resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths and the regression in our understanding of science and medicine.

With superb attention to detail, Goldacre exposes the ignorance, exaggeration and manipulation that undercurrents today’s healthcare headlines and gives you actionable advice on how to spot the bullshit.

Recommended if you want to:

  • raise your awareness around medical trials and their flaws
  • increase your confidence in scrutinising medical findings and not just taking the ‘expert’ at their word
  • hear examples of media outlets peddling unsubstantiated claims from unqualified individuals in the search for attention-grabbing headlines
  • have a better sense of the tools that actually improve your health and wellbeing

Main Points:

Medical studies should be contrasted with a control group, pick subjects completely randomly and blind their participants so they are unaware of the researcher’s desired outcome.

The Placebo Effect should not be underestimated and weaves its way into every aspect of medicine and healthcare.

The Sun, Mirror and Daily Express are the main culprits of misinformation, but all media outlets have been found guilty. Even the BBC.

A pill will not solve your complex social problem, no matter what they tell you.

The main components of good health are ‘eat lots of fruit and vegetables, exercise regularly, don’t drink too much, don’t smoke and don’t get distracted from the real, basic, simple causes of ill health’ (p.111).

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Adam Blades
Adam Blades

Written by Adam Blades

Lecturer in higher education who loves creating learning experiences. Find me at

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